The lastest on N68SF: it was discovered on April 24th that a plunger that acutates the fuel pump was installed upside down in the engine. To make a very long and frustrating story short, it took around 25 hours of my time plus 8 hours of the mechanic at the airport to remove all the accessories, the exhaust system, the intake system, the fuel injector throttle body, the oil sump, all the oil and fuel hoses, and finally the accessory case itself to be able to turn the little bugger right side up. Then, of course, everything had to be reassembled. Well, we finished yesterday and I did the first test flight. Things went well, but I think there is an air leak in the intake system and will have to do some tweaking tomorrow. I am getting really good at taking the engine cowl on and off.
Anyway, it was a lot of work and I was way worn out by the end of the week. But, at least I know it is right now.
Good thing you got that thing figured out...all those hours:( At least you found out the problem-that is one awesome lookin plane!!