Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Saying Good-bye to our old friend Eppie

This morning, Eppie's old body finally failed her. She just layed down on the grass and couldn't even raise her head. Her breathing was very labored. Kathy & Britney called me at work and I came home and lifted her into the truck and took her to the vet. They gave her a sedative and I patted her head for about 10 minutes until it took effect. She still had that affectionate look in her brown eyes until she closed them. The Vet then injected her and her breathing stopped after just a couple of minutes. I brought her home and we buried her in the back yard.

It was pretty hard to see her go. She has been such big a part of our family for almost 15 years. From going on runs to her fetching obsession, she was the best pet ever. She brought lots of people joy and was known by park visitors as the Rockeater. We will miss her a lot.


  1. I was SO sad to hear the news, but I am happy that we got to see her during some of her last days...she totally loved life and has no regrets!!! We sure love her!

  2. Such great pictures of a wonderful dog. It was so hard seeing her suffering that last day, but a relief to know that now she will be able to run again...something I know she's really been wanting to do for the past few years.
